Tactical Radiation Protection
The Responder’s Introduction to Field Level Radiation Safety
Full day in-person course featuring an overview of radiation threats, their effects and practices to mitigate their danger.
The fundamental pillars of radiation safety are presented in an easy to digest manner, and mindset, tactics and gear required are discussed and demonstrated.
Practical considerations for addressing expected and unexpected isotope encounters during the course of duties are addressed.
The course is directed and/or taught by the Iridium Solutions Inc. company Radiation Safety Officer and Security Professional.
No live isotopes, explosives or firearms are used during the course, making it suitable for agency and civilian professional training locations.
Note: This course is available to all individuals; however, a vetting process is in place due to the sensitive nature of the content presented.
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What You'll Learn
Below is the outline of the course that you will be learning.

Detect and respond to a range of possible threat scenarios, with special emphasis on dealing with accidental or purposeful exposure to the majority of the radioactive exposure devices employed under low to moderate security conditions in North America today.

History of Radiation
Learn the fundamentals of radioactivity – The units of activity and exposure, different types of radiation, isotopes and their legitimate uses in today’s world.

Radiation Damage Mechanisms and Threat Profiles
Overview of the damage mechanisms of radiation – the hazards associated with different types of radiation, ionization and its effects on living tissue, and the most common threat profiles in place today.

Time, Distance and Shielding
Fundamentals of radiation protection and the implementation of evasive and defensive tactics in the face of a radioactive threat. Tactical use of dosimetry to aid in intelligence gathering and planning for mitigating radioactive threats.

Radiation Safety Equipment: Selection, Maintenance and Implementation
Overview of CBRN protective equipment and radiation detectors. Learn how, when and why to select and employ them, and an introduction to decontamination procedures and protocols. MARCHE mnemonic for CBRN exposure.

Radioactive Threat Scenarios
Guidelines on implementing strategies for avoidance, escape from and, if needed, operating inside potential or confirmed radiation threat zones. Steps to employ to mitigate personal risk while engaging inside threat zones.
Watch the Sample Video
Not convinced yet? Watch this video to see that we are the real deal when it comes to teaching.